About us


At ISPO.online, our primary mission is to serve as the go-to resource for the Cardano community, offering comprehensive information and support for Active and Upcoming Initial Stake Pool Offerings (ISPOs) and Cardano-based startups. We are dedicated to fostering the adoption of cryptocurrency and empowering newcomers to the Cardano ecosystem through a user-friendly, community-driven platform.

Our core objectives


  • Project Collaboration: We collaborate closely with emerging projects to create dedicated blog pages for their ISPOs, helping them gain visibility and recognition within the Cardano community.

  • Educational Hub: We are committed to developing a comprehensive and easily accessible Education section that serves as a one-stop learning resource for all things Cardano-related.

  • Efficient Organization: Projects featured on ISPO.online are thoughtfully categorized, ensuring effortless navigation and filtering options for users seeking specific Cardano ISPO Projects and Startups.

  • Free Marketing Support: We extend our support to ISPO projects by providing them with free marketing efforts and increased exposure, helping them reach a broader audience.

  • User Feedback: We value the insights of the Cardano community and actively seek ongoing feedback to enhance our research efforts continually. Your input drives our improvements.

Recognizing the issue of outdated or infrequently updated ISPO-related websites, we are committed to maintaining the accuracy and timeliness of the information on ISPO.online. While our site and social media channels are currently managed by a dedicated team, our goal is to provide the most up-to-date and reliable information to our users.

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Cardano ISPO Startups and Projetcts

Project ISPO Submission:

If you are a Cardano ISPO Project or Startup interested in showcasing your work on ISPO.online, please reach out to us at List@ISPO.ONLINE with a link to your most active social media account and website for verification. 

We will provide you with a template for submission and post your dedicated blog page on our platform within 24-72 hours. We appreciate your consideration in featuring your project on our platform


ISPO.online is currently self-funded. If you wish to support our initiative by donating $ADA or a specific Cardano Token, kindly send your contribution to our Daedalus or NAMI wallet address provided below. Your support is greatly appreciated.

ISPO.online is your trusted source for Cardano ISPO Projects and Startups. We are dedicated to providing a professional, reliable, and user-friendly platform to help you navigate the world of Cardano with ease.